Saturday, 22 October 2011

Buenos Aires Street Art

Quite probably the most fascinating thing about Buenos Aires so far is the street art. It's everywhere. Big, bold and in your face. The advantage of my new walk to work up Fitz Roy to the tube station is that it seems to be Buenos Aires graffiti-central. I've been taking photos as I go along and these are a few of my faves:

Approx Honduras with Juan B. Justo
Big Brother is watching you on Juan B. Justo

Fitz Roy and Villaroel in the early-morning sunlight
Fitz Roy and Honduras - wish I'd taken the pic the day I saw a cool motorcycle parked in front of this mural
Scary wolf-bears... on Fitz Roy

Friendlier bears on the corner of Fitz Roy
Funky pink blob with cat on its head - also Fitz Roy

Catching the graffiti being done... underneath a rather enormous lingerie ad...


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